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Catholic Life

Year of the Pilgrimage with Ten Ten 



In 2022 at St Anne's Catholic Primary School, we are going on a special Journey – a pilgrimage.

During the pandemic, the journeys we might have normally have made, whether that be to a holiday or pilgrimage destination, have been thwarted; but nevertheless, our spiritual journey continues. From January through to December 2022, from the comfort of our classrooms, we will be entering on a spiritual pilgrimage to become closer with God through Jesus.

Like all good journeys, this one starts with a map. Below you can see the map of our pilgrimage for the year:


What do we have to do on our pilgrimage?

In our year of the pilgrimage, we are asking every child to continue to carry out and demonstrate four key tasks:

  • Charity
  • Prayer
  • Penance
  • Solidarity

These four jobs will be threaded through our continual spiritual journey. We will work as a school to understand how these four simple tasks can bring is closer to God.


Where are we now?

Spring 2

During the season of Lent, we have begun ‘Our pilgrimage to the Cross’. We are joining together on a journey to Good Friday where we join Jesus on the cross. Each week there will be a different stopping place on our journey, where we can pause, learn and reflect.

We will be learning more about our relationship with God too! We will learn that Jesus is the way to become closer to God. We trust in Jesus to help us prepare during Lent.

We wonder what we’re going to discover on our pilgrimage next?
