The company St. Anne's Out of School Hours is Ofsted registered. It is a childcare facility for the children who attend St. Anne's nursery and school.
Angels is a childcare facility for 3 - 4 year olds - nursery age children who require provision in the afternoons.
Saints(including Little Saints) is a Before and After School Childcare facility for children aged 3 - 11 who require provision before the start of the school day and after the school day.
These settings are inspected separately from school by Ofsted as they are registered as a separate company.
Families have the flexibility of attending 8 - 6pm Monday to Thursday and till 4.30pm on Fridays.
Both settings work extremely closely with school and are supported by school.
Ofsted reports
Saints Ofsted Report July 2022
Angels Ofsted Report October 2022