Mrs Mansell
Mental Health and Wellbeing Lead
Mrs Hearne
Child and Family Liaison Practitioner / Deputy DSL
Mrs Braddish
Wellbeing of our children and staff is a key element of our Intent across the curriculum. It is one of the 4 curriculum drivers on which our approach is based upon, and is further supported through our driver for development of spirituality and diversity. We recognise that by placing the wellbeing of all at the heart of our school ethos we will enable children and staff to thrive and lead healthy, happy lives. We understand that our parents are key to ensuring that children thrive emotionally and physically. Their ability to raise concerns and offer support is fundamental in order to ensure that we work in partnership to identify any needs early and signpost to external specialists where needed.
Our Approach
- A robust bespoke PSHE curriculum.
- A well planned opportunity to develop our knowledge as a school community through assemblies and refection opportunities.
- Catholic Life opportunities
- A diverse extra curricular offer to develop interests.
- Relationships at the heart of all interactions including with adults and children.
- Mental Health approach based on the PERMA model.
- A PE curriculum that incorporates physical wellbeing linked to health.
- Our RSE approach is tracked, and sequenced to ensure that it meets the need of our children and community.
- SEL approach in classrooms based on the book Permission to Feel displayed in all classrooms with progressive language and vocabulary.
- Half termly Wellbeing days to raise awareness with a key focus each half term.
- Wellbeing staff meetings to inform and prioritise staff wellbeing.
- Acts of Kindness weeks and awareness weeks.
- Charity raising opportunities with links to the PERMA model.
Strong understanding through assessment of children needing additional provision at classroom level:
- meet and greets,
- reward charts,
- small group interventions,
- Mentoring with the Inclusion team
- Additional parental meetings
- Rainbow pods for sensory and emotional regulation
Children needing specialist support will have access to:
- SISS SEMH teacher through referral and parental permission.
- Referral to CAMHs (SOLAR for Solihull, Forward Thinking Birmingham)
- Kooth for children aged 11 plus
- ELSA intervention
- Drawing and Talking intervention
- CBA led by mental health lead.
St Anne's is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment.
Websites that can offer further support and Guidance: