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Our Lady And All Saints MAC

English as an Additional Language (EAL)

St-Anne's Catholic Primary School


English as an Additional Language (EAL)




St- Anne's is proud to be a diverse school with a highly inclusive ethos underpinned by our mission statement.


'Each one of is unique, each one of us is special,

Because we are created by God's love.'



19.5% of our school community are billingual and this is celebrated by the St-Anne's community.

The main languages spoken by families at St-Anne's are:


- English

- Polish

- Chinese

- Tagalog/Filipino

- Hungarian

- Albanian

- Portugese

- Romanian

- French

- Swahili/Kiswahili

- Persian/Farsi

- Malayalam

- Italian

- Igbo



Universal Provision:

Highly inclusive Ethos underpinned by the school Mission Statement.

All languages and cultures valued

Language Rich environment

Dual coding across the curriculum

MfL teaching

Scaffolding in place where needed

Labels around school with visual prompts.

International days eg Polish Heritage days

Coffee mornings

EAL ambassadors


Targeted Provision:


Phonic intervention

Additional Reading opportunities

Increased scaffolding if needed

Handwriting intervention

Sentence structure and grammar Intervention

Learning Village adapted resources


Specialist Provision:

Learning Village Intervention for survival language

Adapted teaching

External Professional involvement


