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Helping your children stay safe online.


Young people live their lives online and it is our responsibility to ensure they stay safe. Here you will find some top tips and advice to help you keep your children safe and improve your digital parenting skills. 



T - Talk about being safe online.

E - Explore their online world together.

A - Agree rules about what's okay and what's not.

M - Manage your families setting and controls. 


If you need some help then talk to an expert about online safety.

Whether you want to set up parental controls, adjust privacy settings or get advice on social networks, experts from the free O2 & NSPCC helpline are there to help.   Call:  0808 800 5002

Below are some links to websites such as NSPCC, ThinkYouKnow and the Safer Internet Centre that can help you learn all you need to know to help your children stay safe. 
