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Our Lady And All Saints MAC

Year 2

Welcome to Year 2 Catholic Life at St Anne's.


"Each one of us is unique, each one of us is special"


On this page, you will see wonderful examples of everything that encompasses Catholic Life for Year 2, here at St Anne's. Every day is filled with wonderful opportunities for children to develop their faith and relationship with God. Alongside our Catholic Life, children enjoy a wholesome Religious Education curriculum.



Class Prayer and Focal Point


Opportunities for prayer (both formal and open prayer) are a very important part of daily life at St Anne's. Here is a photo of our class focal point during Ordinary Time where the School Mission Statement is proudly displayed.

Surrounding the focal point are copies of our school's formal prayers. Children are encouraged to learn these formal prayers off by heart (these can be found in the 'Our Faith' page of our school website). Each focal point also has it's own prayer basket with prayers for children to read and enjoy, and a prayer box for children to write their own prayer intentions. This is a very special area of our classroom and children are encouraged to use this as often as they wish.                                

                                    Year 2 Prayer Bag
Over the course of the year, every child in the class has a chance to take the Prayer Bag home to share with their family. Inside, children will find items to allow them to set up their own focal point in an area of their home that will allow for special prayer time, on their own or with their family. Children are encouraged to light a candle as a sign of Jesus' presence and to bless themselves with the Holy Water. As part of their experience, we encourage children (with the support of an adult) to complete the diary. Children could either write a recount of how they set up the focal point or they may wish to write a special prayer intention. We would also really love to see as many photographs included in the diary as possible so children can share their experiences with their peers. 






Half Term Virtues

Each half term at St Anne's we work hard to demonstrate and celebrate the following Gospel Virtues:




Compassionate and Loving

Faith-Filled and Hopeful

Eloquent and Truthful

Learned and Wise

Curious and Active

Intentional and Prophetic


These virtues form an integral part of our school life at St Anne's. We learn about them during our collective worship sessions in class, RE lessons, whole school assemblies. During our weekly celebration assembly, children from each class who have demonstrated the half term virtue are chosen for the Virtue Certificate. At the end of the half term, children who have demonstrated that they continuously show the half term virtue, are chosen for the Half Term Virtue Medal Award.



Collective Worship


A special part of daily life at St Anne's is our time in Collective Worship. During these sessions, children have the opportunity to share in prayer, offer prayer intentions, hear Bible stories and reflect on how they can use the word of God in their own lives.



Wednesday Word



Every week, children have the opportunity to take home a wonderful resource called 'Wednesday Word'. In this, the weekly Gospel and the message is shared in a children-friendly manner along with activities and tasks for children to complete. Alongside this, at St Anne's, we have introduced Wednesday Word homework. This has been introduced to give children the opportunity to reflect on the Wednesday Word and think about what is means in their lives.

We have had some absolutely beautiful pieces of Wednesday Word homework so far this year, and we look forward to seeing more as the year goes on.  


Spiritual Learning Journal

You will find our beautiful 'Spiritual Learning Journal' book displayed by our classroom focal point. In this book, you will find a wide range of deep, thought-provoking

and reverent questions that children have either responded to or thought of. This is a wonderful chance for children to share their ideas and also allow us to discuss questions about our faith that may be difficult to answer. 




Prayer Garden

A wonderful quiet, prayful and serene area at St Anne's can be found in our very special Prayer Garden. Throughout the year, we plan many opportunities (often during Collective Worship and Religous Education sessions) for children to visit the Prayer Garden to reflect and pray in the quietness and openess of the outdoor area. It is also a wonderful place for children to gather whenever they see fit, knowing they have many places around school for quiet reflection and prayful times. 











