'Drawing - Telling a Story'
Children will develop their knowledge and skills in drawing as they progress through skills. Each year group will develop the folowing:
● Exploring mark-making in all its forms, experimenting with line, tone and texture and using a wide range of materials to express their ideas as drawings.
● Using sketchbooks to record observations and plans as drawings.
● Learning about how artists develop their ideas using drawings.
In year two children explore the following:
Using storybook illustration as a stimulus, children develop their mark-making to explore a wider range of tools and experiment with creating texture to add detail to drawings.
Developing knowledge of drawing materials to explore mark making with charcoal and experiment with creating texture.
Creating and exploring experimental mark-making to replicate textures from touch.
Drawing a favourite soft toy from observation, adding texture by applying mark-making skills.
Developing new character illustrations, applying skills with line and mark making to add expression and detail.