Welcome to Reception's Catholic Life Webpage
We would like to share with you your child's journey of faith at St Anne's Catholic Primary School. On this page you will see examples of Collective Worship, RE lessons, visits to church, children's responses during prayer and other examples of our daily life here at St Anne's.
Our Prayer Stones
We decorated our special prayer stones and took them to the prayer garden to show that we belong to St Anne’s School and we are part of the St Anne’s school family. We laid our stones and stood together to say The ‘Our Father’.
The feast of Saint Anne - 26th July
We enjoyed celebrating the feast day of Saint Anne. We learnt some different facts about Saint Anne and enjoyed drawing some pictures of her, Mary and Jesus.The children all worked together to create a large scale piece of art work to mark this special occasion. We celebrated by having a picnic outside. We finished our day by saying the special Saint Anne prayer.
Our Lenten Journey
We discussed our Lenten journey as a class. We spoke about the different steps on the journey to Easter and the different things we do to prepare ourselves during Lent. We listened to the story of Zacchaeus and discussed the importance of saying sorry during Lent. We wrote our own sorry prayers asking God for forgiveness.
We discussed how Jesus made a special promise to the disciples before he ascended into Heaven. We thought about how the disciples must have felt when that promise came true. We visited the prayer garden and said a prayer to the Holy Spirit asking for help to keep the promises that we make. We hung a special flame on a tree as we made our own promises to God.
Prayer Bag
Little Way Week
Remembrance Day
Prayer Garden