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Our Lady And All Saints MAC

Year 1

"Each one of us is unique, each one of us is special."

Welcome to Year 1's Catholic Life at

St Anne's.

On this page you will see examples of our collective worship sessions, our I wonder book and our wonderful Religious Education work carried out within our daily school life.




This Years Half Term Virtues:


Compassionate and Loving

Faith-Filled and Hopeful

Eloquent and Truthful

Learned and Wise

Curious and Active

Intentional and Prophetic


Each Half Term we work hard to demonstrate and celebrate these Gospel virtues. These virtues become an integral part of our every day school life, collective worships sessions, RE lessons and whole school assemblies. Linked to our half term virtue a certificate is presented to a child who has been identified as demonstrating the virtue in our weekly celebration assembly. The chosen child then takes home the class prayer bag.  Here are some examples:







Collective worship

Collective worship is a time where we reflect as a class on lots of important Catholic events and people. During this time the children have the opportunity to share in prayer, listen and respond to bible stories, celebrate the gifts and talents God has given us, the wonderful things in Gods creation and reflect on how we can follow in Jesus' footsteps. 


We have learnt about Saint Francis of Assisi and his love for God's creation. We have learnt about Saint Therese of Lisieux and her little ways. 

Our daily class monitors prepare the focal point and lead the class in our daily prayers.






I Wonders...


During the children's collective worship time and RE lessons, there are opportunities for the children to ask or answer 'I Wonder...' questions. This enables the children to reflect on their own thoughts and opinions within our faith and understand that some questions may be difficult to answer. Here are some examples: 








Children's Work


Over the year we learn lots of topics in our R.E lessons:



Families and Celebrations





Jesus Teacher and Healer

Following Jesus Today.


Here are some examples of the children's work from last year:








  Wednesday Word Homework


Thank you to all of you for your weekly contributions with our Wednesday Word homework. In our collective worship sessions the children will have the opportunity to share their homework with the class. Here are some examples from last year:




